Departure at 4 am in the morning from the hotel to the northwest from Pichincha arriving at 6 am to “Tumpiki Balcón” bird-reserve located at 2500 meters above sea level (8200 feet) where we will watch unique species such as: Plate-billed mountain toucan, Toucan Barbet, Blue-Winged Mountain Tanager, Flame-Faced Tanager, Golden Tanager, Crimson-Rumped Toucanet, Golden-Naped Tanager, Yellow-Breasted Antpitta, Moustached Antpitta, Masked Trogon, Golden-Headed Quetzal, and different species of Hummingbirds such as: Hoary Puffleg, Booted Racket-Tailed, Violet-Tailed Sylph, Brown Inca, Velvet-Purple Coronet, Tawny-Bellied Hermit, etc.
After the Birdwatching we have the option to enjoy a local breakfast in the cloud forest for 7 dollars.
After that we will go to the reserve “San Tadeo” to observe different species of birds such as Lemon Rumped Tanager, Golden Tanager, Black-capped Tanager, Blue Gray Tanager, White Lined Tanager, Thick-Billed Euphonia, Orange Bellied Euphonia, Buff Throated Saltator, Ecuadorian Thrush, Slate Throated Whitestart, Red Headed Barbet, and different species of Hummingbirds such as:
Andean Emerald, Purple-bibbed Whitetip, Empress Brilliant, White Necked Jacobin, Sparkling Violet-Ear, Brown Violet-Ear, Green Violet-Ear, Booted Racket-Tail, Rufous Tailed, Violet-Tailed Sylph, White-Whiskered Hermit, Tawny Bellied Hermit, Western Emerald (E), Purple Throated Woodstar, etc.
Then we will have lunch in a local restaurant.
After that we will go to visit the “Milpe” area looking for birds on the road such as: Choco Toucan, Yellow-Throated Toucan, Pale-Mandibled Aracari, Masked-Water Tyrant, Laughing Falcon, Bat Falcon, Roadside Hawk, Black-Striped Sparrow, etc.
We can also visit “Milpe Bird Reserve” to watch in the feeders: Silver-Throated Tanager, Golden Tanager, Lemon-Rumped Tanager, Orange-Bellied Euphonia, Green Honeycreeper, Common Bush Tanager, Club-Winged Manakin and different species of Hummingbirds such as: Andean Emerald, Purple-bibbed Whitetip, Empress Brilliant, White Necked Jacobin, Sparkling Violet-Ear, Brown Violet-Ear, Green Violet-Ear, Booted Racket-Tail, Rufous Tailed, White-Whiskered Hermit, Tawny Bellied Hermit, Western Emerald (E), Purple Throated Woodstar, Green thorntail, and different species of tanagers, woodpeckers, thrushes , etc.
Later we will go to visit “La Victoriana Farm” at 16h00 to watch the bird symbol of this area the “Andean Cock-of-the-Rock” this new birds reserve is the best hot spot for photographers and birdwatchers, we can watch more than 15 members of this specie.
In the farm we will have an easy hike during 15 min downhill to get the new Andean Cock-of-the-Rock LEK, after that we will go up for 20 min uphill to get the entrance of the farm.
Later we will come back to Quito, arriving to the hotel in approx. 2 hours.
Included: Bilingual Certified Driver Guide, Private Transportation, Water.
Not included: Food, Extras expenses, and visits, “Balcón Tumpiki” entrance fee $15 pp, “La Victoriana Farm” $10, “San Tadeo” $5, “Milpe Bird Reserve” $12, Tips, etc.
Number of passengers: | 1 Pax | 2 Pax | 3 Pax | 4 Pax or More |
$300 | $180 Per Pax | $160 Per Pax | $140 Per Pax |
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