Departure at 5 pm to visit “Zuroloma bird – reserve” and watch: sword billed, sparkling, Tyrian metal tail, black-tailed trainbearer, sapphire-vented puffleg, mountain velvetbreast, green tailed trainbearer hummingbirds; hooded mountain, blue-capped tanagers; barred fruiteater, rufous chestnut napped, undulated antpittas; ocellated tapaculo, yellow-breasted brush finch; white-throated screech, Andean pigmy owls, etc.

  • Barret Fruiteater

After that, We Will go looking for birds on the road Nono-Tandayapa and We will visit the “Alambi bird reserve” and watch: green-crowned brilliant, Andean emerald, western emerald, brown violetear, purple-throated woodstar, booted racket tail, white-necked Jacobin hummingbirds; blue-gray, palm, thick-billed Euphonia, orange-bellied Euphonia, lemon rumped tanagers; red-headed barbet, etc.

After lunch, We Will go to visit the “La Victoriana Farm” to watch the “Andean-cock of the rock” the bird symbol from the cloud forest.

  • Andean Cock of the Rock

After that, We Will go to our hotel “Mirador de Tulipe – Lodge”.

We Will go at 5 am to visit the “Amagusa bird reserve” and watch: sickle-winged guan, crimson-rumped toucanet, orange-breasted fruiteater, black-chinned mountain, moss-backed tanager, golden, glistening green, lemon rumped, rufous-throated, beryl-spangled tanagers; golden-collared honeycreeper, Andean solitary, black solitary, etc.

After that, We Will go back to “Mirador de Tulipe-Lodge” for our lunch. In the afternoon We Will go to visit the “Cave of the Oilbirds” (“Cueva de los Tayos”).

Then we will come back to the “Mirador de Tulipe” Lodge.

We go at 5 am to visit the “Balcón Tumpiky bird reserve” to watch different species of birds such as plate-billed mountain toucan, toucan barbet, dusky bush, golden-naped, flame-faced, black-capped tanagers; yellow-breasted antpitta, golden-headed quetzal, roadside hawk, etc.

After that, We Will go to look for birds in the road around of Mindo and Milpe area looking for birds such as Chocó Toucan, yellow-throated toucan, Pale-mandibled aracari, laughing falcón, hook-billed kite, rufous motmot, masked water tyrant, bronze-winged parrot, bat falcon, cattle egret, swallow-tailed Kite, etc.

  • plate-billed-mountain-toucan
  • toucan barbet
  • choco-toucan

INCLUDED: Transport, local hotel-lodge, breakfast, birdwatcher guide, binoculars, scope, entrance fees to bird reserves, and water.

NOT INCLUDED: Lunch, dinner, extras, tips.

NOTE: For payment, you can do it for our “WeTravel System” just I need to send You the link to buy the tour another option international bank transfer or in cash to start the tour.

If You have any questions contact me on my WhatsApp: +593 99 7778916.
Tec. Roberto Cabrera.
Tour Manager and Tour guide
Great Horned Owl Tours.

Number of passengers:1 Pax2 Pax3 Pax4 Pax or More
$1300$800 Per Pax$700 Per Pax$550 Per Pax